Next Tai Chi Beginners starts October 2024! Qigong is a great way to start learning anytime. See Class Schedule and Fees for more info!

Tai Chi and Qigong in Fall 2023

Dear All,

I'm very much looking forward to the upcoming Tai Chi and Qigong season at the Regent Health Centre (150 Locke Street South) this fall. Here's the plan!

The start of new Tai Chi Beginners classes
We're running these classes three times a week, on Mondays at 11:30 am, Thursdays at 6:30 pm, and Saturdays at 1 pm. Beginners classes are an hour long, and will take you through Tai Chi foundation and the Tai Chi set from scratch. The first beginners class takes place on Monday, October 2nd. (See note below about Thanksgiving weekend.)

People who have completed a Beginners Tai Chi course and wish to review are always welcome to attend Beginners classes.

More Qigong and sitting meditation
Our popular Qigong classes run Mondays at 1 pm and Saturdays at 2:15 pm. These classes are always open to beginners. Qigong exercises are simpler than Tai Chi and more repetitive, so can be a great point of entry if you're unsure about your schedule or how you will respond to new exercises—drop in anytime! We often use these classes for troubleshooting any physical issues participants may be experiencing, including typical areas of tension, wear and tear, and challenges stemming from injuries. Qigong is a great practice in its own right, and can greatly enhance your understanding of Tai Chi.

Traditionally, Tai Chi and Qigong exercises are done to prepare the body for sitting meditation. For those students who wish to pursue the complete range of benefits that Tai Chi and Qigong can offer, I offer instruction in sitting meditation during the Saturday Qigong class.

Intermediate Tai Chi
These classes—Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:15 pm—are for those who have completed Beginners and want to explore the next level of Tai Chi foundation, polish the form, and commit it to memory. Anyone who has completed Beginners Tai Chi is welcome to attend.

Advanced Topics
Advanced Tai Chi classes run on Mondays at 2:15 pm and Fridays at 1 pm. Anyone who has completed Beginners Tai Chi is welcome to attend, with the understanding that some lessons  may be challenging. This fall, we'll continue studying Tai Chi, and go through Hsing-I foundation and the Hsing-I set. Hsing-I stepping, or the half-step push, is one of the keys to applying Tai Chi in martial art. This set is short in duration—it takes about five or six minutes to perform—and is deeply invigorating and powerful.

In February 2024, I'll be introducing the sword set for those who haven't learned it before, or who want to go through it again in detail. Stay posted for more info!

Lok Hup Ba Fa, Fridays at 2:15 pm: we'll continue where we left off in July, with deepening the moves and polishing the set. At this time, this class isn't open to people who haven't learned Lok Hup previously.

Thanksgiving Break
Note that classes are on for the week of October 2nd-6th, but we will be taking a break for Thanksgiving weekend. There will be no classes on Saturday, October 7th, and Monday, October 9th. All other classes will run as usual in October.

New Fees as of October 2023*
$17.50 + HST / class
$70 + HST / monthly pass

Monthly passes allow you to attend as many classes as you wish to throughout the month. This is by design: we want you to come often and get the most from your practice! The passes expire at the end of each calendar month. If you plan to attend five or more classes from the time of purchase, you'll save some money. Please consult your calendars and plan accordingly, rather than asking the front desk to do special math.

If you're brand new and unsure about whether you want to commit to a monthly pass, you can pay at the end of your first class.

*If you attended in August and September: please check your records and / or confirm with the front desk that you're all caught up on your fees for August and September! If you wait to pay, you may be charged the new rate.

To view the complete schedule and for up-to-date information, check the website:

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, you're welcome to contact me by email or at (905) 521-0043. I hope to see you soon!

May 2023 and Beyond at the Regent Centre


Hi everyone!

Your intrepid Tai Chi and Qigong instructors are going to take a little bit of a break in May this year. Please note our away dates on your calendars:

There will be no classes from Monday, May 1st to Tuesday, May 9th. We're also taking the long weekend off, so there will be no classes on Saturday, May 20th or Monday, May 22nd.

All other classes will run as usual.

We're offering the monthly pass in May at a reduced rate of $55 + HST. If you're attending four or more classes in May, you'll save a bit of money with the pass. If you plan to attend three or fewer classes, it'll make more sense to pay per class. Plan accordingly!

Classes will run as usual with some exceptions for holiday weekends in June and July. In August and September, I'll be away for my annual hiatus, during which I focus on my own training and plan for the year to come. Last year we ran classes during this time with the help of advanced students and my co-instructors. I'll inform everyone well ahead of time what we're planning to do this time around!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at or (905) 521-0043.


Tai Chi and Qigong at the Regent Centre, October 2022 and Onwards

Dear All,

I'm delighted to let you know that Tai Chi and Qigong will soon be back in full swing at The Regent Centre, 150 Locke Street South, following a successful summer of practice. We offer a program that teaches you how to release tension, build physical strength and flexibility, sharpen mental focus, and open your heart.

Our core teachings are Taoist temple-based soft martial arts including Tai Chi, healing exercises rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Taoist meditation. I am honoured and privileged to have received these teachings from talented and knowledgeable Masters who diligently preserved them and passed them on to me.

We live in tricky, distracting, and stressful times. It's wonderful to have a set of tools that will not only help you cope, but enable you to thrive. I sincerely hope you'll join us this fall.

The new Tai Chi and Qigong season starts Friday, October 1st.

What's New With Regent Centre Classes
If you've never done Tai Chi before or want to study the Tai Chi set from the top, we're adding two new Beginners time slots to our current schedule, on Tuesday and Thursday early evenings. These classes will start from the very beginning in October.

Our Saturday Beginners class will carry on from its current place in the set. If you've been attending those classes, or if you know some Tai Chi and want to refresh your memory of the middle part of the set, the Saturday Beginners class will be a great fit.

Our most popular class, Qigong, which is always open to brand new beginners, gets an additional time slot on Tuesday afternoons, in addition to the Monday class.

Fees are increasing a modest $5 / month, to $65 + HST. For that rate, you can attend as many classes as you wish. The per class rate remains the same at $15 + HST.

For the Fall 2022 Tai Chi and Qigong schedule and information on how to join, scroll down to the end of this post or go to the class schedule online here.

One on One Reiki Healing Sessions
This summer I've been deepening my study of Reiki healing by taking classes to become a Master Teacher. Reiki is a powerful modality that allows you to receive an infusion of energy exactly suited to your needs. (I'm not a Master Teacher yet, but if all goes well I'll receive my certification this fall. If you're interested in learning Reiki, please get in touch! I'll add you to a separate mailing list for Reiki classes.)

I've been a Reiki Master Healer since 2012, and have been working with clients one-on-one since then. Healing sessions last around two hours. I draw on my skill with guided meditation, movement, Reiki healing, and other healing techniques to craft a unique approach tailored to your individual needs. You can expect to come away feeling relaxed, refreshed, and empowered with techniques you can use to deepen and continue healing. A session is an excellent complement to your Tai Chi training and can help address any issues that you would like to work on more intensively.

I'm opening my Reiki practice to new clients this fall. I will have time slots available throughout the week, but Tuesday morning and early afternoon will always be set aside for clients if you want to plan ahead.

My fee for Reiki healing is $90 per session. To book, please email or call.

As always if you have any questions at all, please ask at or (905) 521-0043. If you don't wish to receive these messages, please let me know and I'll remove you from my mailing list.

Sincerely looking forward to seeing you this fall,


150 Locke Street South, Hamilton, Ontario

All classes are taught by Melissa Smith except Thursday evening Beginners, which will be taught by Sam Rush.

Qigong 1-2 pm (beginners welcome!)
Break: 2-2:15
Advanced Tai Chi 2:15-3:15 pm

Qigong 4-5 pm (beginners welcome!)
Break: 5-5:15
Beginners Tai Chi 5:15-6:15
*this class is open to brand new beginners as of October 2022

Advanced Review noon-1:30 pm

Beginners Tai Chi 6-7 pm (Instructor: Sam Rush)
*this class is open to brand new beginners as of October 2022

Advanced Tai Chi 1-2 pm
Break: 2-2:15
Lok Hup Ba Fa 2:15-3:15 pm

Beginners Tai Chi 1-2 pm
*this class is for people who began attending in Summer 2022
Break: 2-2:15
Advanced Review 2:15-3:45 pm (Bring your weapons!)

Fees: $15 + HST / class
$65 + HST / monthly pass *new rate as of October 2022

If you would like to attend class, and haven't done so before, please fill out a registration form.

Payment for in-person classes will be done through the Regent Centre's online portal at, or at the front desk when you attend class. You'll also use this portal to sign up for the classes you want to attend. Signing up ahead of time will ensure there's room for you at class before you come to the Centre, and will assist us with contact tracing if there's a potential Covid exposure.

Access the online schedule and follow the instructions for signing up here. If you need additional help, call the Regent Centre during business hours at (905) 523-4999.

Tai Chi and Qigong, August and September 2022

Dear All,

If you've been attending classes at the Regent Centre this summer, you probably already have this information, but I'm writing to let everyone in on the plan for classes in the coming months.

For August and September, I'll be taking my annual hiatus. I'm teaching my last two sessions on Friday, July 29th and Saturday, July 30th, and will return on Saturday, October 1st for what I'm sure will be an excellent year.

This is a time for me to recharge and work on my own training so I can come back to class with fresh insights in October. In the past, classes have been on hold during my break, but this year, several people from the advanced group have agreed to manage classes while I'm away.

Saturday Beginner's classes (1-2pm) will continue from where they are right now (at Carry Tiger to Mountain), with Sam Rush and Gillianne Shaver instructing. Between them, Sam and Gillianne have taught Beginner's Tai Chi many times over, so you'll be in good hands if you choose to attend! (If you're looking to start from the very beginning, please get in touch so I can advise you.)

The other classes will be offered as practice sessions. Advanced people have agreed to keep things on track so that everyone gets a good workout. The schedule will remain the same—see the end of this message.


There will be no classes on Monday, August 1st, and no classes on Friday, September 2nd, Saturday, September 3rd, or Monday, September 5th. All other classes will run according to the schedule. If you can sign up for a class via the Regent Centre site, you can attend it.

For news and announcements about plans for October, watch this space! The schedule will remain mostly the same.

While I'm away, if you need to book or cancel a last-minute class, pay for classes, or have any questions about bookings, please ask at the front desk or contact the Centre by phone during business hours: (905) 523-4999.

Gillianne has agreed to communicate with the group about any changes to the schedule, and any concerns around Covid transmission. If you develop symptoms or test positive after attending a class, please let her know: (She can't help you with your class bookings, though, so please contact the Centre front desk about any issues with bookings or payment!)

If you have any questions, please let me know! I'm very grateful to be part of such an enthusiastic community, and looking forward to offering more teachings this fall. If you'd like to stop receiving these messages, please ask to be removed from the list.



Qigong 1-2 pm (beginners welcome!)
Break: 2-2:15
Advanced Tai Chi 2:15-3:15 pm

Advanced Review noon-1:30 pm

Advanced Tai Chi 1-2 pm
Break: 2-2:15
Lok Hup Ba Fa 2:15-3:15 pm

Beginners Tai Chi 1-2 pm
Break: 2-2:15
Advanced Review 2:15-3:45 pm (Bring your weapons!)

Classes at the Regent Health Centre, New Start Date: May 13, 2022

Dear All,

I hope the impending arrival of spring is giving you all something to look forward to and enjoy. Like many of you, I've been spending more time than I would have thought possible working in the garden and enjoying the little signs that the season is progressing nicely.

I've been keeping an eye on the Covid situation throughout April. I had hoped to see more improvement by now in the wastewater signal, which I'm currently using as the key indicator of where things are at. I'm sure you're aware that hospitalizations are also up this week. Although wastewater indicators suggest that the current wave has finally started to come down in Ontario as a whole, our local signal is still on the rise. (If you scroll down a bit at the link above, our graph is Central West, excluding the GTA.) At this point I think most of us know someone who has picked up a Covid infection despite taking reasonable precautions.

So, I'm pushing back the start date at the Regent Centre to mid-May, with the hope that we'll see the substantial improvement we need to see by early May. I'll be in touch by May 5th to confirm the new start date.

If all goes well:

(maybe this will be our lucky day!)


I didn't get into this in my previous message, but we will still be using the online class signup system, since this is how the Centre determines billing. As before, you'll pay the Regent Centre directly for all your classes. You can pay one class at a time ($15 + HST) or the monthly fee ($60 + HST). I am expanding the class capacities so there should be room for everyone. I'll send complete instructions when it's time to sign up, but essentially, it works just like making an appointment. Please don't worry about signing up until May 5th.

When we resume, the schedule will be as follows. I'll be teaching all classes personally at first. My plan is to add more beginner's classes and Qigong into the schedule in the fall.

Qigong 1-2 pm
Advanced Tai Chi 2:15-3:15 pm

Advanced Tai Chi 1-2 pm
Lok Hup Ba Fa 2:15-3:15 pm

Beginners Tai Chi 1-2 pm
Advanced Review 2:15-3:45 pm

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, or if you'd like more information about classes. Contact me at (905) 521-0043 or

Melissa Smith
Lead Tai Chi Instructor @ Regent Health Centre

Tai Chi and Qigong Update, March 2022

Dear All,

I hope you're doing well. For those of you who haven't been at online classes, I wanted to give you a quick update on the state of in-person classes. Basically, the theme of the moment is: not yet, but maybe soon?

I'm sure we're all eager for things to return to some semblance of normalcy. With the province lifting safety measures, things are going to be in a state of flux. The main challenge to reopening right now is that, while key stats have been improving, I don't have confidence they will continue to move in the right direction throughout March, or improve as much as they need to in order for us to meet and work out together safely.

So, we need to wait and see, and be patient for a while longer. I'm optimistic that if we time this wisely, we can reconvene without disruptions. My other aim is to reopen at a time when we don't need to restrict numbers as much as we did in November and December. This will ease pressure on all of us, so we can come together without worrying about whether there will be space for everyone in class.

I'm looking at a possible reopening in April, if hospitalisations, deaths, positivity rates, and wastewater measures fall sufficiently throughout March. Otherwise (and more likely) it'll be May. With warmer weather, I'm hopeful that numbers will naturally improve. Worst case scenario, we could meet for outdoor classes in May and throughout the summer.

I will be making a decision about April by March 21st. If you don't hear from me by then, look for an announcement about May. That will come by April 21st.

Thank you all so much for continuing to be patient. If you have any questions or concerns, or feedback about any of the above, I'm happy to hear it. My main concern is that you are all well and safe, and that we can enjoy ourselves when it's time to meet in person again.

p.s. as you know if you've been attending online, I've been tweaking the schedule. The current online schedule is below.

The Online Schedule
Qigong 1-2 pm
Tai Chi and Lok Hup Ba Fa 2-3 pm

Qigong 6:30-8pm
***First Thursday of the month: sitting meditation instruction and practice included in class***

Tai Chi Beginners 1-2 pm
Other Forms Review 2-3 pm

Contact me at for the Zoom link. If you've attended in the past, it's the same link I've used before.

$60 / month or $15 / class, payable by etransfer to I'm waiving HST while classes are online. Please pay me directly until we're back to in-person classes again.

Tai Chi and Qigong During Omicron, plus Guided Meditation Sessions, Winter 2022

Dear All,

I hope this finds you well and holding steady despite the emergence of Pandemic 2.0: Just in Time for Christmas. I'm sending this to my complete list in case you've been thinking about returning to / starting classes, or wondering if I'm going to be running any guided meditations this winter. If I haven't chatted with you in a while, hello! This is a bit of a long note but there is, well, a lot to discuss.

In this post:
(1) Tai Chi and Qigong classes are moving to online-only for January and possibly (probably) beyond, schedule below
(2) You're all invited to join me in a guided meditation session to celebrate solstice (and the fact that we're still here), Thursday, December 23rd, 6-8pm. (Scroll down to the bottom of this message for more info.)

Tai Chi and Qigong Moving Online, starting Monday, December 20th

Sam, Gillianne, and I have had a chance to discuss how we're feeling in light of the current situation with the Omicron variant. We agreed that doing in-person class safely depends on two things: (1) a vaccine that provides sufficient protection and (2) sufficiently low numbers in the general population. With the new variant, we've lost both of those necessary conditions, so we are shutting down in-person classes starting now. It simply doesn't make sense to run a class for health and wellbeing when doing so poses a potential threat to health and wellbeing.

I will continue to offer classes through Zoom until it's safe to go back to in-person. I will be re-evaluating this decision on a month by month basis, so January will definitely be online only. If it looks like February will be clear enough, we'll return. If there's any question, we'll be online until March, etc., etc. You will have tons of heads up before we return to in-person classes. I will notify you all by email.

Online classes are (obviously) different from in-person, but I promise I can offer you a positive, uplifting experience that's absolutely as much of a good workout as you would get at the Centre.

Yes, you will most likely have to learn how to work out in a smaller space. Yes, you will be dealing with your at-home distractions (and my barky dog, probably). Yes, you will get to know at least one of my cats pretty well.

I can say, however, that the classes I taught online over the past couple of years were some of the best I've ever run. This is a great opportunity to teach you how to get in touch with what you're actually doing (versus what you should be doing) and to correct your technique. You'll learn how to transform common household items (mostly, chairs, doorways, and your kitchen sink) into helpful props for retraining your muscles and releasing the bodily habits that create aches and pains. Class is a wonderful thing, but your Tai Chi and Qigong practice really only becomes yours when you work out in your own space. Let's do that together.

The schedule will be similar to the in-person schedule. I'm preserving the breaks between classes as an opportunity for you to chat and touch base with each other without cutting into class time.

For beginners: Sam and Gillianne have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you this fall, but are unable to teach via Zoom, so Tuesday evening and Wednesday afternoon classes are on hold for now. I am opening the Saturday class from 1-2 pm just for you. (This includes those of you who are brand new and those who've been attending beginners for review purposes.) I've planned to use this time to help you make sure you don't lose the excellent progress you've made so far this year, and to carry on with learning the set at a slow, steady pace. I'm really looking forward to working on this with you. Beginners are as always also very welcome at Qigong.

For people who've been wanting to do more meditation, guided and otherwise: Thursday evening Qigong classes (6:30-8pm) will now include a sitting meditation session on the first Thursday of the month, and will be replaced with a guided meditation session on the third Thursday of the month. Guided meditation sessions will start at 6pm to allow us an opportunity to check in before we meditate. More info at the end of this message.***

The Online Schedule
Tai Chi Ongoing 1-2 pm
Lok Hup Ba Fa 2:15-3:15 pm
Qigong 3:30-4:30 pm

Qigong 6:30-8pm
***First Thursday of the month: sitting meditation instruction and practice included in class***
***Third Thursday of the month: guided meditation 6pm-8pm***

Tai Chi Beginners 1-2 pm
Other Forms Review 2:15-3:45 pm


To attend, EMAIL ME at for the Zoom link. 

If you encounter any difficulty, text me at 905 521-0043. I keep my phone nearby at the beginning of class, but I will not be checking email immediately before or during class.


$60 / month or $15 / class, payable by etransfer. I'm waving HST while classes are online. Please pay me directly until we're back to in-person classes again.

If you don't wish to attend online and/or if I owe you fees back because of the way December played out, please just contact me and ask. It's not a problem at all. I'm happy to refund whatever part of your fees you didn't get to use. I'll send you the money via etransfer.


*Please pop me an email at to let me know you'd like to attend*

Sometimes what we really need is to take a break, reflect, and regroup. I've been leading guided meditations for a few years now, and have found it's a wonderful way to come back to earth when events strive to unmoor us.

It may seem odd to do a meditation session remotely via the internet, but those who participated in meditations over the past year or two found it's actually a lovely excuse to cosy up under a blanket, lie back, and enjoy a deep, soothing, and relaxing experience. (Plus there's no commute home afterward!) If you've never done guided meditation before, it's a form of energy healing that involves listening to my voice as I take you on a fun adventure via images that I describe.

Everyone is welcome. There's no charge for this session. It's my gift to those of you who would like to attend.

FUTURE GUIDED MEDITATIONS WILL TAKE PLACE ON Thursday, January 20th and Thursday, February 17, also from 6-8pm. Mark your calendars, and please let me know if you'd like to come! These sessions will be included as part of your monthly Tai Chi fees, or are $15 each.

Please let me know if you have any questions at all (again: or (905) 521-0043). I hope you stay safe and if I don't see you beforehand, have an excellent and joyous holiday season.
