Reiki and Shamballa Healing


Reiki / Shamballa Healing Treatment

A typical treatment includes a consultation about any health concerns you may have or emotional and spiritual issues you wish to address, a full Reiki healing session, and a post-treatment discussion. If you wish I will also give you visualization techniques and simple exercises that you can practice at home in order to continue the healing benefits of your session. Fee: $90

In Your Home

For those unable to travel or who wish to receive healing in their own homes, I can come to you and give you the same Reiki / Shamballa Healing Treatment you would receive at a session in my practice. I bring my portable massage table with me. Moving the coffee table out of the way in a typical living room leaves enough space to set up the table. Fee: $120

Distance Healing

In a distance healing I send the Reiki / Shamballa energy remotely while the recipient goes about his or her day. This is often a very powerful experience, and tends to leave the recipient feeling relaxed, energized, and loved. In order to do distance healing I need the recipient's name and a recent photo, as well as confirmation that I have his or her permission to do the healing. Once the session is over I send an email detailing the time frame of the healing and any perceptions or impressions I received during the session, or I can pass on this information in a phone call.  Fee: $50


My practice is in the west end of Hamilton. Contact me at or (905) 521-0043 for directions.


I am a certified Reiki Master Healer and Shamballa Multidimensional Healing System practitioner.

What Are Reiki and Shamballa MDHS?

Reiki is a natural energy healing system that works to relax and revitalize all levels of your being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Shamballa MDHS is an expansion of the Reiki energies that offers a more powerful healing experience. 

Why Energy Healing?

Each of us carries with us an electromagnetic or energy field. This field permeates the physical body and surrounds it. All kinds of things can have a negative or positive impact on the shape, size, and integrity of this field. Positive emotions tend to strengthen and smooth it, while negative emotions can distort or even tear holes in it. Your diet, sleep, and exercise routines all impact your body and your field. When you experience stress, overwork, difficulties, infection, or injury, the field can become compromised.

Your physical health is a direct reflection of your field. When your energy field is whole, coherent, and replenished, the symptoms of illness are diminished. 

Kirlian Photograph of a subject's energy field while in Lotus Position
Photo by Emmanuel Heredia
Via Wikimedia Commons

How do Reiki and Shamballa Work?

The pure, highly refined energies of Reiki and Shamballa dissolve any blockages or stale energy, while working to replenish your field. Reiki and Shamballa can benefit chronic conditions or acute issues like injuries, strains, or recovery from surgery. They also offer a wonderful boost if you're suffering from stress, fatigue, or simply seeking your next level of health and wellbeing.

A treatment is completely non-invasive. I work directly with the energy field while you rest comfortably on a massage table.

Last Updated 4 April 2022

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great treatment with Reiki Healing many of the people tale lots of benefit from the Reiki training calgary NO machines , No medicines were used only Hands Movement is all about.