A Cool Video About the Nervous System

We talk a lot in class about the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems (at least, I feel like I talk about them a lot), but there are some fascinating new emerging theories about how they work. In this lecture from Nerd Nite, Seth Porges delivers a ton of helpful information about the nervous system, fight, flight, and freeze states, how these states influence perception, and the lingering effects of trauma on the body. (Sidebar: there's one little section where for some reason Porges decides to rip on the concepts of chi and the chakras...honestly I really wish scientists would refrain from comment on fields in which they have no training. But he does have a ton of cool things to say about the vagus nerve, so definitely worth a listen.)

For those of you who are studying push hands, one way to view that practice is to understand that we're trying to learn how to fight while remaining in the green light / relaxed state. Quite a trick! (And the reason why it takes so much training.)
