If you've come here looking for information about Tai Chi and Qigong at Regent Health Centre, you're in the right place.
Some basic info which is current for early 2025:
*Tai Chi Beginners will reboot on Saturday, March 1st, 2025. Beginners classes will run on Monday mornings (11:30 am-12:30 pm), Thursday evenings (5:15-6:30 pm), and Saturday afternoons (1-2 pm). Learning Tai Chi means learning a routine from start to finish, so it's best to come in at the beginning of a session and attend as many classes as you can, ideally one or more per week.
Learn more about Tai Chi for Beginners here.
*I will happily train Continuing Tai Chi students from other schools. If you've completed training in a form similar enough to ours, you can dive right into Continuing classes. If your school taught you something different, you'll need to go through a cycle of Beginner's classes first. Our Beginner's class cycle takes about five months; we do a 108-form based on Yang Tai Chi, with some significant variations. Please contact me for any questions.
*We also offer training in Qigong (Mondays 1-2 pm) and sitting meditation (Saturdays, as part of Qigong through to the end of February 2025, and as part of Continuing Tai Chi from March onwards.)
If you have any questions at all, or to discuss your personal journey with me, please don't hesitate to call Melissa at (905) 521-0043 or email at