Our new season begins in October 2023! Join us for Tai Chi and Qigong at the Regent Centre on Locke Street South.

Guided Meditation Session this Sunday, November 22, 2020, 2-4pm

This guided meditation session will focus on the sacral chakra, the feeling centre of the body. This chakra is the seat of the emotions, and the conduit through which we experience and appreciate the sweetness of life, as well as its dynamism. When it's aligned, we move freely no matter what comes our way.

I hope you'll join us for an exploration of this chakra, and a guided meditation designed to clear, realign, and engage its energies.

We'll meet on Zoom from 2-4pm. The fee is $20. If you haven't joined one of these sessions previously, but would like to, contact me to register at (905) 521-0043 or smithmk2@gmail.com.

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